IBC launch for 2-IMMERSE open source software

 In Blog Post

2-IMMERSE is approaching the end of its three year term.  With three and a half of our four prototype services developed, and with them all running on the same common platform, it is a good time to share the progress we have made with the wider media community. That is why we are spending a lot of time and effort developing our stand and our presence more generally at IBC.  IBC (the International Broadcasting Convention) is held each September at the RAI Amsterdam and is regarded as the world’s most influential media, entertainment and technology show. The exhibition dates this year are Friday 14 to Tuesday 18.

2-IMMERSE will have its own stand, in the Future Zone (Hall 8 F46), but you’ll also see 2-IMMERSE project outputs on the stands of ChyronHego (Hall 7, C21), of IRT (Hall 10, F51)  and in the conference programme (Sunday 16 at 16.45 in the Forum) where Ian Kegel is presenting a description of the technical platform used to deliver object based productions.

Through a number of channels, including this blog post, we are inviting friends in the industry to come and see what we have achieved and to learn specifically about the software we will be launching at the end of the project.  2-IMMERSE has recognised a number of key challenges related to the delivery of object based media productions across multiple screens and has sought to develop common, extensible solutions to these that will be made available as open source software.  In addition we will be describing a reference architecture that will help explain the technology components required to deliver our object based experiences.

The software components we are developing all play valuable roles in the delivery of our multi screen experiences.  The software components will:

  • Enable frame accurate multi-screen synchronisation
  • Manage layouts across multiple screens
  • Manage timelines across multiple screens
  • Enable unified sign-on for multi-screen experiences
  • Provide bandwidth orchestration capability to help deliver the “best” experience even when bandwidth is limited

2-IMMERSE worked closely with rights holders throughout the project, setting – and meeting – the challenges of delivering one of its prototypes as a live end-to-end production.  We chose the high profile 2018 FA Cup final as the object of this trial and at IBC we will be showing the production tools we developed to do this. We will also be available to discuss how the production chain needs to be evolved to support object based delivery.

2-IMMERSE set out to show that object based delivery approach can be used to effectively deliver immersive multi-screen experiences that over achieve compared to their single screen alternatives.  What ‘over achieve’ means depends upon the context.  For the sport examples it means delivering more on the brand objective for the rights holders; in the case of BT Sport that means helping viewers get to the heart of sport – you can see what we have done towards this objective with our MotoGP at Home demo.

If you come to IBC you’ll be amongst the first to see our new FanZone experience for football – a prototype service that will highlight how the object based approach can be used to create partisan representations of games in public spaces. This exceptional demo is also based on the 2018 FA cup final.

‘Over-achieving’ for theatre companies with education objectives means supporting their ambition to allow equal provision and equal access to the best theatre-based education resources through connected screens.  For our Theatre At Home demonstration it was about delivering a more social and engaging experience of watching filmed theatre in the home.  These experiences will all be on show at IBC and we are keen to share our enthusiasm for our achievements with the wider broadcasting and production industries.

We hope to see you in Amsterdam!

In the Future Zone, Hall 8, Stand F46.

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